"Save the Mothers" follows Rahul and Pooja, young lovers who elope to escape Pooja's family's disapproval. Pooja's father, coming from an underprivileged background, disowns her after hearing about their sudden marriage. The couple begins their new life at Rahul's parents' house, where Pooja faces harsh conditions, working like a maid and being denied education. When Pooja becomes pregnant, she learns that Rahul's parents plan to secretly determine the baby's gender and abandon it if it is a girl. Shocked by this revelation, Pooja decides to leave her husband and in-laws, hoping for a better future. Simultaneously, a character named Shakun, who has dark intentions, is introduced. The story unfolds as Pooja and her child navigate the challenges posed by their patriarchal society.
Directed by Suvendu Das, the film features Aman as Boro, Sneha Biswas as Fuli, Parthasarathi Chakraborty as Shakun, Sayan Ghosh as Bikash, Kharaj Mukherjee as Pooja's father, Sushmita Pal and Indrani Saha as Pooja, and Rajesh Sharma as Pooja's father-in-law. The music is composed by Pritam Deb, with cinematography by Abir Dutta and editing by Dipak Mondal.
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