Directed by Heena Dsouza and Mandar Kurundkar, the series stars Rudraksh Jaiswal, Aadhya Anand, Urvi Singh, Naman Jain, Arjun Deswal and Anupriya Caroli
Last Updated: 03.32 PM, Jan 07, 2022
We have often come across campus stories that narrate the lives of the frontbencher or backbencher. But rarely, have these dramas dealt with the stories of their sidekicks. In one of a kind coming-of-age campus drama, Amazon miniTV brings to you a series titled Crushed. The series is in collaboration with Dice Media. The makers have recently released a trailer for the upcoming drama and it looks like a lot of fun.
The trailer opens with a government school in Lucknow and a voice-over introducing the most popular students of the school, only to later tell you that the series is in fact not about them, but two sidekicks. The two are seen mimicking the teachers, tampering with answer sheets and trying to befriend their crushes. Watch the trailer here:
Set in the Hindi heartland of Lucknow, the six-episode series is the story of a complicated yet engaging high school romance of two sidekicks, who navigate through the confusion and insecurities that come with experiencing their first love. The drama stars Rudraksh Jaiswal, Aadhya Anand, Urvi Singh, Naman Jain, Arjun Deswal and Anupriya Caroli. Directed by Heena Dsouza and Mandar Kurundkar, it is written by Avinash Singh, Vijay N Verma, Nishaad Javeri and Aayush Gaur.
Girish Prabhu, Head of Amazon Advertising issued a press statement saying that the team is excited about their collaboration with Pocket Aces. Speaking further about the series, he said, "We always root for the underdogs and Crushed is one such interesting story which is not about the lead characters, but about their two side-kicks. This story will bring back high school nostalgia and we are eagerly awaiting its release on Amazon miniTV.”
The makers aim to tell a compelling teenage love story based in a tier 2 city's high school. Akshata Samant, Showrunner, Crushed, Dice Media, "First love is always special and we are confident that the characters and narrative of the show will resonate with audiences. Amazon miniTV has been extremely supportive of our creative vision and we look forward to the upcoming release of Crushed on the service.”
The series will release on Amazon miniTV, which can be accessed on the shopping app, on January 12.