The upcoming film is directed by Suresh Triveni, and also stars Manav Kaul, Rohini Hattangadi, Iqbal Khan, Vidhatri Bandi, Shrikant Mohan Yadav, Shafeen Patel, and Surya Kasibhatla
Last Updated: 07.04 PM, Mar 14, 2022
With a cast led by Vidya Balan and Shefali Shah, Jalsa has stoked fans’ anticipation for all the right reasons. But with the trailer and posters signaling at a gripping thriller with some dark elements, the choice of the title might seem strange to a few. Well, Balan is here to clear things up.
In a statement, the actress talked about how much the film meant to her and said that for her, the film is about ‘celebration’. She talked about the importance of celebrating one’s womanhood, one’s life and one’s own self every day. At the film’s ending, there is a feeling of how one has emerged from a situation, and that is a cause for celebration.
“When you’ve been through the wringer and you emerge on the other side, every little struggle or challenge that you overcome is a Jalsa, or rather, calls for a Jalsa that is a celebration of life as is with its ups and downs,” she added.
The upcoming film centres around a case involving the hit and run of an 18-year-old girl. Balan essays the role of a journalist named Maya and Shah portrays Maya’s cook, Rukhsana. The film marks the first on-screen collaboration between Balan and Shah. Manav Kaul, Rohini Hattangadi, Iqbal Khan, Vidhatri Bandi, Shrikant Mohan Yadav, Shafeen Patel, and Surya Kasibhatla also feature in the film.
The film is directed by Suresh Triveni, and produced under the banners of T-Series and Abundantia Entertainment. Triveni and Manav Kaul have previously collaborated with Balan on Tumhari Sulu (2017).
Jalsa will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on March 18, 2022.