The comedy around events that occurred during the pandemic, pairs the actor with Dhanya Balakrishnan
Last Updated: 10.04 PM, Mar 21, 2023
Kannada actor Komal’s last release was Kempegowda 2, after which he went missing in action for a while, even though he had announced a project called Kongka Pass. He resurfaced in late 2020, with a film announcement for a comedy called 2020, to be produced by Crystal Paark Cinemas. The film, which pairs Komal with Dhanya Balakrishnan, was the first ‘new project announced in 2020 and has been ready for a while, but for reasons best known to the team, it is making its way to theatres only now. Rechristened as Undenama, the film is scheduled to release on April 14.
Speaking to us earlier, Komal had said, “Director Rajashekar is a popular dialogue writer for Kannada films. He’d written a script for which he approached me. This was around the time when I was on a self-imposed break from films, as I had rejected 7-8 scripts that came my way. I was a little disillusioned because no one was interested to hear and back the stories I have been writing and neither were good tales coming to me. But when Rajashekar narrated the script, I was literally rolling around in laughter. He’s written great comedy, which is why I took up the project. I didn’t want to miss out on this opportunity.”
Undenama, according to Komal, is a comedy based on what happened during the peak of the pandemic in 2020. “The highlight of the film is that it captured situations that transpired during the pandemic as is. This, I believe, is why audiences will relate to the subject, as the premise is about stuff everyone would have come across at the time. I absolutely enjoyed working on Undenama,” said Komal. The film, which has music by Sridhar Sambhram, also stars Apoova, Vaishnavi, Tanisha Kuppanda, and Bank Jandardhan in pivotal roles.