Directed by choreographer-filmmaker Murali, Namo Bhoothathma 2 is releasing in theatres on August 4, in the run-up to which the first song, featuring Komal and Lekha Chandran was unveiled
(Left) A still from Pyaarge Aagbitaithe song and (right) Ayyo Ayyo
Last Updated: 12.59 PM, Jul 13, 2023
Just over a decade ago, the Kannada film Govindaya Namaha, with Komal and Parul Yadav in the lead released. The comedy, which marked the directorial debut of Pavan Wadeyar is widely remembered for the hit number Pyaarge Aagbitaithe, that he’d written and Gurukiran had composed. A romantic number between the lead pair, the song’s choreography by Murali master was widely appreciated with Komal and Parul kitted in silk finery by designer Shachina Heggar. The song was shot at the Bijapur fort.
A little while ago, the team of Namo Bhoothathma, which also has Komal in the lead, released the first song, Ayyo Ayyo. Written by Kaviraj and composed by Arun Andrew, this song featuring the leading man and Lekha Chandran, has also been choreographed by Murali master, who, is also the director of the film. At first glimpse, though, Ayyo Ayyo feels like a new version of Pyaarge Aagbitaithe, with the costumes, backdrop and choreography all similar to the latter.
Namo Bhoothathma 2 is the sequel to Namo Bhoothathma, which Murali master and Komal had done a decade ago. While the first film was the remake of the Tamil film Yamirukka Bayamey, this time around, Murali says that he’s presenting an original story, which is also a horror comedy. The team had released a teaser in early July, which hinted at the film being about a bunch of people on a trip, getting stuck in a house owing to some evil spirit activity. The film is set for an August 4 theatrical release and, according to the team, the digital and satellite rights have already been sold to Sun Network.
Namo Bhoothatma 2 will be leading man Komal’s second release since the pandemic. The actor’s adult comedy Undenaama came out earlier this year and was a washout at the box office.