The Kamal Haasan-starrer was released in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada, on June 3. Karthi's narration in the climax of Vikram, along with Suriya's extended cameo role, has increased speculation about Lokesh Kanagaraj's next project
Last Updated: 05.00 PM, Jun 04, 2022
Kamal Haasan's Vikram, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, has been running in the theatres, successfully, both in India and overseas. Grapevine has it that the Kaithi director is likely to make a film, which will unite three stars, namely, Kamal Haasan, Suriya and Karthi. Considering that Vikram has gotten an overwhelming response from the audience, this could be a sequel to Vikram, too. Even before the first part could be released, there were talks about the possible second and third parts of the franchise.
In an interview, Lokesh had said, whether or not to make the world of Vikram a trilogy, totally depended on the audience, and how well they received the first part. “If Vikram part one works, we will expand it as a franchise,” he added, hoping it, eventually, would.
Recently, Kamal Haasan himself teased the possibility of Vikram having a sequel. When asked about it, in a press meet, the actor-politician assured that Lokesh would be directing it too. "That's something I’m confirming without even asking him.” Vikram was released in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada, on June 3. Karthi's narration in the climax of Vikram, along with Suriya's extended cameo role, has increased speculation about Lokesh Kanagaraj's next project.
It is interesting how Lokesh Kanagaraj has been making films that are connected to his previous ones. Speaking about directing a biggie like Vikram, Lokesh had said his understanding of a pan-Indian film could be different from that of others. “What makes Vikram noteworthy is that, in the last four years, it is probably the only film that was not tagged as a pan-Indian project, but has been elevated as one,” he added.
For now, Lokesh Kanagaraj will focus on Thalapathy 67 (tentative title). He reunites with Vijay in Thalapathy 67, after Master. And, the announcement regarding this project will be made shortly, in a few days. When asked about the genre of the film, Lokesh had said, it will be a mix of both class and mass.
Notably, when asked about the possibilities of a sequel to Kaithi, Karthi said, Kaithi 2 was definitely on the cards.