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Quiz: How well do you remember the Harry Potter films?

If you are a Potterhead, buckle yourself up for a test of your trivia.

Quiz: How well do you remember the Harry Potter films?

Last Updated: 08.11 PM, Nov 10, 2021


Potterheads around the world are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the arrival of Harry Potter on the silver screen. Upon its release in 2001, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone became the highest-grossing film of the year and the second highest-grossing film of all time. Twenty years later, box office statistics might have changed, but the charm has not waned a bit.

Be it the sinuous Hogwarts castle or the daunting Forbidden Forest, the Harry Potter films breathed life into JK Rowling’s sprawling world with acute detail and accuracy.

What started as Chris Columbus’s project, it reached its fullest potential at the hands of Alfonso Cuaron in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004). With a rather muted colour palette, lingering tracking shots and his typical melancholic yet reposeful elan, Cuaron also set the tone for the last five films with darker subtexts and sombre thematic undercurrents. Along with an ensemble cast of screen-veterans like Maggie Smith, Richard Harris, Michael Gambon, Helena Bonhomie Carter and Alan Rickman, the Harry Potter franchise also kickstarted the careers of today’s youngsters like Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Tom Felton, and Robert Pattinson.

If you consider yourself a wizard or a witch, but have unfortunately never gotten the opportunity to participate in Quidditch or taste butterbeer, this is a quiz tailor-made for you. Let’s see how clued up you are with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

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