Sheershaah trailer was released in the icy-cold heights of Kargil by lead actors Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani along with the Indian Army Jawans ahead of Kargil Vijay Diwas on Sunday. The launch was attended by Param Vir Chakra’s twin brother Vishal Batra and other family members of soldiers who lost their lives in the Kargil War. The event took place at the National Horse Polo Ground, Dras, Kargil.
Last Updated: 11.21 PM, Jul 27, 2021
The setting of the film is just perfect for the film based on the life of Param Vir Chakra. Vikram said, “I will either come back after raising the Indian flag in victory or return wrapped in it, but I will come for sure”, before leaving Kargil, was unfortunately killed while fighting for the country.
The upcoming Hindi-language biographical war film, Shershaah released its trailer and from the looks of it, the movie which takes us back to 1999’s Kargil War looks so promising. The film is directed by Vishnuvardhan and co-produced by Karan Johar under the banner of Dharma Productions. The film is about the journey of Param Vir Chakra awardee and Captain Vikram Batra. The movie features Sidharth Malhotra who plays a double role as Batra has an identical twin brother, Vishal and he is incorporated in the film as well and Kiara Advani who plays the role of Dimple Cheema.
From the trailer, the movie’s focus is about young men like Batra who rose to the challenge and defended their country. Full of love and will, Vikram is seen leaving for Kargil and being at the frontline of the war.
The official announcement of the movie was made in May 2019 and the photography also commenced in the same month and wrapped up last year. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the film got postponed, else the release would have been on July 3, 2020. The movie also marks Vishnuvardhan’s directorial debut in Bollywood.
The movie is set to release on August 12, 2021, on Amazon Prime Video.