Anil Kumar, who has also worked alongside Yash as a dialogue writer on Santhu Straight Forward, would state in an interview that the actor had many positive things to say about the trailer and had even spared time to visits the sets.
Last Updated: 03.09 PM, May 26, 2022
Director Anil Kumar, known for comedy-drama films like Raambo 2 and Krishna Rukku, is back in business with Kaaneyadavara Bagge Prakatane. The film's lead cast includes three veteran actors in the form of P. Ravi Shankar, Tabla Nani, and Rangayana Raghu who are termed the "missing people" in a story set between the '60s and '80s. It's a tale of human emotions and friendship and will release in cinema halls across Karnataka on May 27.
For the entire crew, one of the biggest highlights of the making came about when they were able to share the mutual bonhomie with KGF: Chapter 2 star Yash. In a recent interview, director Anil Kumar revealed to Chikkanna (also a cast member of Kaaneyadavara Bagge Prakatane) that Yash remained one of the main supporters of his efforts throughout the making of the film. Anil Kumar, who has also worked alongside Yash as a dialogue writer on Santhu Straight Forward, would state in the same interview that the actor had many positive things to say about the trailer and had spared time for a thorough narration of the script. The Rocking Star would even take time off during the making of 'KGF: Chapter 2' to visit the sets of Kaaneyadavara Bagge Prakatane and spend precious time with the cast and crew of the film.
Interestingly, Yash was to headline Anil Kumar's film My Name is Kirataka but the film has been currently back-burnered for reasons unknown. The film, as per old reports, was slated to go on floors in September of 2018 with Tamil-Telugu actress Nandita Shweta playing the female lead - Nagabharana, Chikkanna, Tara, and many others were also roped in to play key roles in the film that is yet to take off.
Coming back to Kaaneyadavara Bagge Prakatane, the film also stars Ashika Ranganath and Tilak with Anil Kumar himself co-producing the film with Jithendra Manjunath. Arjun Janya composes the soundtrack.