The South Korean show, directed by Kim Seok-yoon, stars Kim Ji-won, Lee Min-ki, Son Seok-koo, and Lee El, among others.
Last Updated: 09.50 PM, Apr 25, 2022
The new episode explores Mi-jeong and Mr Gu's relationship, Gi-jeong's growing fondness for Cho Tae-hun and her friendship with her boss, while Change-hee working towards getting the hold of the convenience store, which he works for.
The new episode begins exactly where the story was left off in the last episode. Mi-jeong and Mr Gu run into Gi-jeong as they head home. Gi-jeong gets suspicious but does not ask Mi-jeong about it right away. She later holds an intervention of sorts with her friend who has her own boyfriend trouble, and asks how she chose just anybody to fall in love with, which was otherwise her thing. Her protective nature for her younger sister, yet giving her taunts, will remind you of your relationship with your siblings.
Chang-hee is seen having his share of problems at work. The owner of the retail store decides to retire and not be tied down to a contract. He asks Chang-hee to take the responsibility ahead. While he and his boss try to land a deal, he is tasked to arrange for 300 million wons to pay the deposit, which he cannot afford. He tries to bring it up during a dinner with his parents, suggesting it to be a great investment option but his father refuses right away. He eventually loses the deal to his rival, A-Reum. Furious Chang-hee soon realises that at least, he is better off than other people when he is standing in a queue at an ATM. He lets a man behind him in the queue use the machine as he excuses himself by saying he would otherwise miss his bus, even though he hated to be nice. The new episode focuses more on Change-hee and his work problems.
It also explores the character of Mr Gu. He is seen opening up more in this episode. He speaks about being desolate and how he feels more human when he drinks. He is seen taking efforts for his new relationship with Mi-jeong as he cleans the house and has her over for drinks. He is becoming more accepting of change and adapting to living as neighbours with Mi-jeong's family. The way he controls his anger when Change-hee and his friend enter his house in his absence and start clearing the alcohol bottles, thinking they are just helping him out, speaks volumes.
He and Mi-jeong set some ground rules for their newly-found relationship of worshipping each other. Unconventional, yet, they are seen respecting each other and giving each other space that they need.
Yeom kids' father is also quite an interesting character. Always serious, he seems to be content with his life. He is not ambitious like his children and is happy, at least appears to be fine, with whatever he earns.
The episode ends with Change-hee trying to jump that long and prove to everybody that he can also be an athlete. Despite repeated advice by Mi-jeong and being mocked by his friend, he takes the plunge, only to fail miserably. The scene was sad but funny.
The show tells a simple story of complicated lives. It would be interesting to watch how Mr Gu and Mi-jeong find themselves and inspire each other while being in their unconventional relationship.