Watch DJ Dheenamma Jeevitham LOL OK Please - a Tamil language comedy sketch series that finds humor in different topical subject. Written and Directed by Anurag Palutla, this comedy sketch series features great comedy talent such as Rakesh Sarma, Harshini Koduru, Shashi Sadhana, Eswara Uday Sai Kiran, Chandragiri Subbu and Amardeep and explores all that is funny in everything around us. The show pokes fun at everything from the South Indian film industry to food and even TV advertisements. Get ready for a real time laughathon which is best watched with friends and family members. DJ Dheenamma Jeevitham LOL OK Please is everything you need from a series of funny viral videos. The content is top-notch with plenty of comedic talent in tow.
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