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Ranveer VS Wild with Bear Grylls: Here's what Ranveer Singh packed for his Serbian escapade in the Netflix special

Learn what Ranveer Singh brought with him as he set out to film in the wild for the upcoming Interactive Adventure Reality Special, Ranveer VS Wild with Bear Grylls on Netflix.

Ranveer VS Wild with Bear Grylls: Here's what Ranveer Singh packed for his Siberian escapade in the Netflix special
Ranveer Vs Wild With Bear Grylls/Netflix India

The buzz of the town has been youth icon Ranveer Singh's daring escapades and Serbian adventure in Ranveer Vs Wild with Bear Grylls in which viewers have the opportunity to direct his every move in this interactive Netflix special. But the actor did pick out a few things for himself, including the essential survival kit. Ranveer's kit was full of supplies that helped him get through some of the most trying events on the globe, and 'Bade Bhaiya' Bear Grylls stood by his side as he braved the weather. Has he just raised the bar for relationships? Are you now inspired to embark on your romantic journey?

Here is the Bear Grylls-endorsed survival gear that was chosen, along with some unexpected ones that weren't.

Vanity Mirror

Ranveer got lucky since a vanity mirror doubles as a wonderful survival tool, whether it's to make a fire or keep an eye on your surroundings while wading through the depths of the forest. When you look as amazing as Ranveer, you have to have a mirror with you at all times.

Banana Chips

It's as uncommon to find someone who rejects banana chips as it is the Serbian flower for which Ranveer embarked on an adventure, yet Bear Grylls is one of them. This necessity, which has kept us alive during many wild parties, is regrettably inappropriate for wilderness areas. Ranveer had to part with his collection, but you most definitely don't if you're watching the performance at home!


Water is essential, and Bear Grylls concurs. In the deep, insect-infested forest, it is difficult to get clean drinking water, and jumping into the next body of water is not an option when it is full of predators. Make sure you have extra water with you if the special has motivated you to take a risk like Ranveer.

An Apple and Sindhi Koki

Options, options. The fact that viewers have a choice to make is what makes Ranveer VS Wild so captivating. Ranveer thankfully put Bear Grylls in charge of survival while leaving his adventure in our hands. which made Ranveer and his mother very sad because it indicated that junk food, like Sindhi Koki, got the nod in favour of a boring but healthy apple.

Flare and Grappling Hook

The only supplies left to pack in Ranveer's backpack are a grappling hook and a flare, both essential for surviving in the jungle. What is his decision? What option will you pick?

On July 8, 2022, watch Ranveer vs Wild with Bear Grylls on Netflix and assist him in making a decision.
