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Meet the Hulk’s cousin, She-Hulk, a feisty attorney and formidable superhero.

The new Disney+ Marvel series, <em>She-Hulk: Attorney at Law </em>is set to become an instant fan favourite. Tatiana Maslany stars as the titular hero with Mark Ruffalo reprising his role as Bruce Banner aka the Hulk.

Nikhil Kumar
Aug 25, 2022

Now You Know 

The new Disney+ Marvel series, She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is set to become an instant fan favourite. Tatiana Maslany stars as the titular hero with Mark Ruffalo reprising his role as Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. For today’s podcast, we take a look at some of the lesser-known facts about the show.

  1. In the pilot episode of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law the creators have added a unique Easter Egg. At about six minutes and 19 seconds into the runtime, there is a poster which contains a Q.R. code. If one were to scan the code, it will redirect to a web page which contains the She-Hulk comic, 'The Savage She-Hulk', released in February 1980.
  2. There have been rumors in the past that Marvel Studios is notorious when it comes to micromanaging their writers. However, the more recent Marvel films and TV shows appear to have more creative freedom. This is the case for She-Hulk: Attorney at Law as well as it has taken on a completely new format that has elements of a sitcom. But there were things that were still off-limits. Jennifer Gao, the creator and head writer of the show, revealed in an interview with IGN that while fourth-wall-breaking jokes about the content were allowed they were asked not to take the jokes too far at Marvel’s expense.
  3. In fact, that was not all Marvel Studios had a leash on, allegedly Gao admitted in an interview that the studio wanted She-Hulk’s origin story to be altered. In the comics, Jennifer Walters becomes the target of a mob assassination and was shot, however, her cousin Bruce Banner aka the Hulk used blood transfusion to save her life as their blood type and DNA matched. In the series, this relatively darker origin story was scrapped. Instead, both Bruce and Jennifer are involved in a car accident which results in the Hulk’s gamma-radiated blood dripping into Jennifer’s open wound and giving her the powers of the Hulk.
  4. Every superhero has their own arch-nemesis Batman has the Joker, Spider-Man has the Green Goblin, Wonder Woman has the Cheetah, and the Hulk has the Leader. Similarly, Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk has Mary MacPherran aka Titania as her greatest rival. The character is essayed by Jameela Jamil in the series.
  5. Showrunner Gao had initially pitched She-Hulk as a supporting character for the Black Widow movie, where Natasha Romanov aka Black Widow attends her high-school reunion as part of a mission. This story was supposed to be a reimagining of the 1997 film Grosse Pointe Blank. However, the pitch never materialized and the 2021 Black Widow film ended up being an origin story as well as a farewell to the popular character.
  6. When it comes to the dating scene She-Hulk is no slouch, and she has had her fair share of admirers. She has been in romantic relationships with regular humans, superheroes, and even supervillains. But her most high-profile love interest was none other than Tony Stark aka Iron Man. In She-Hulk issue number 17 Tony and Jennifer hook up for a one-night stand.

Well that's the OTTplay Now You Know for today, until the next episode it's your host Nikhil signing out.

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  • Written by Ryan Gomez
