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OTTplay Lost and Found - The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

Today's episode is all about the film The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. This Mike Newell directorial is set in the idyllic English town of Guernsey, in the final years of World War II and the consequent few years.

Nikhil Kumar
Feb 03, 2022

Welcome to OTTplay Lost and Found one podcast that gives you all the info on lesser-known but critically acclaimed films. I'm your host Nikhil.

Today's episode is all about The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. This Mike Newell directorial is set in the idyllic English town of Guernsey, in the final years of World War II and the consequent few years. During the German occupation of Guernsey, the inhabitants of the town were stripped off their daily professions and forced to take up livelihoods dictated by the SS army. Hence pig farmers were now forced to cultivate potatoes in their fields. In such dire circumstances, food was scarce and entertainment nil. That is when a few from the town decided to hold a covert dinner of roasted pig (the single animal which was hidden from the watchful eyes of the Germans). Hence Dawsey Adams, Amelia Maugery, Isola Pribbey, Eben Ramsey, along with Elizabeth (whose idea it was to hold the dinner) get together and have a wonderful night of laughter and memories. On their way back home, they are intercepted by soldiers, who enquire about their whereabouts. They quickly string up these unlikely words (mostly based on the dishes served during the potluck dinner) and claim they are part of a reading club. They soon get registered and hold forced meetings with a German soldier presiding over them. But soon, they bond on literature, Charles Lamb becoming a favorite.

Once the war is over, Dawsey reaches out to the author Juliet Ashton, who writes under the pen-name of Izzy Bickerstaff, as Juliet’s book on Lamb’s essays was the copy that the group lay their hands on. Juliet, who lost her parents in the war, now disguises as Izzy, a free-spirited rebel least affected by the war. Her books are popular and sell well. Yet, Juliet feels hollow inside. With Dawsey’s letter, she sees a new ray of hope and decides to make the journey to Guernsey and discover the goings-on of this unique society. The film unravels the story of two unlikely people falling in love despite their circumstances, all stitched beautifully by their mutual adoration for literature. So, if you’ve ever been moved by a lilting song, evocative prose, or a compelling poem, this film is the perfect fit for you.

If you haven't watched this yet then do so, it's streaming exclusively on Netflix.

Well, that's the OTTplay Lost and Found episode for today, I shall be back soon with a new podcast until then it's your host Nikhil signing out.

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