Directed by Anant Singh, the upcoming web series also features Neelu Dogra, Sanjay Gurbaxani, Gunjan Hariramani, Praveen Rajj, Shreya Singh and Ankit Motghare in key roles
A still from Arranged Couple trailer
Last Updated: 03.28 PM, Oct 14, 2023
Arranged Couple is a comedy-drama series starring Srishti Shrivastava and Harman Singha. Directed by Anant Singh ‘Bhaatu’, the upcoming web series is set to arrive this month on OTT. Ahead of the release of the show, the makers have just dropped a fun-packed official trailer that sees the lead couple as a married couple.
Official trailer
The latest trailer begins like a real-life wedding video as both Srishti and Harman can be seen decked up as bride and groom talking about each other before tying the knot. The trailer quickly takes the audience into the life of this couple, who get married in an arranged set-up. Amid a few hilarious sequences, both actors appear to be navigating through their lives together and trying to know each other.
The makers dropped the official trailer on YouTube with a special caption that reads, "In a world filled with dating apps and blind dates, "Arranged Couple" takes an unconventional approach to finding love. Join us as we pair up two complete strangers Anu & Rishi. (Sic)."
Check out the full trailer video here:
All about Arranged Couple
The upcoming show talks about two individual strangers, who come together to tie a knot with each other in an arranged marriage set-up in the world of dating, live-in relationships and more. Bankrolled by the banner of Girliyapa which comes under Arunabh Kumar's TVF channel, the Anant Singh-directed web series is written by Khushbu Baid, Nikita Okhade and Swasti Jain, while Shreya Singh serves as the showrunner. Along with starring Srishti and Harman in pivotal roles, it also features Neelu Dogra, Sanjay Gurbaxani, Gunjan Hariramani, Praveen Rajj, Shreya Singh and Ankit Motghare in key roles. Arranged Couple is set to release on Girliyapa's YouTube channel on October 20, 2023.