The reality show, hosted by Kiccha Sudeep, will last 42 days, with some top contestants then progressing to the regular Bigg Boss Kannada Season 9, which will take off thereafter.
Last Updated: 09.42 PM, Aug 01, 2022
On July 6, the first-ever Bigg Boss Kannada OTT season will kick off. Parameshwar Gundkal, the Head of Business Colors Kannada, who runs Bigg Boss Kannada, addressed the media today, but was very frugal as far as details about the show go. The first episode on Saturday at 7 pm is when all will be revealed, whether it is the list of contestants this season, the format of the show and how interactive it will be with audiences, elimination process, etc.
All that Parameshwar would divulge is that he was looking at having at least 16 contestants to start with, all of who will be celebrities from cinema, TV and radio. This time around, the show will be live streamed throughout the day, with an edited capsule of the happenings of the last 24 hours then presented as a one-and-a-half-hour episode at 7 pm every night. Also, at the end of 42 days, there will not be one winner, but multiple winners, who will then get direct entry into Bigg Boss Kannada Season 9, which will be on Colors Kannada as usual.
Kiccha Sudeep, who has been the host of Bigg Boss Kannada for 8 seasons, will be on board this mini season too and will make an appearance every Saturday. The contestants, we hear, are already at the Bigg Boss House in Innovative Film City, where they have been quarantined. It is being rumoured that the contestants include actors Namratha Gowda, Rekha Vedavyas, Naveen Krishna, Tarun Chandra, Chandan Sharma, Dileep Raj, director Ravi Srivastava and producer Vinay Krishna, among others.
Bigg Boss Kannada Season 8 was ongoing when the second wave of the pandemic struck and was briefly called off. However, when the situation got better, the contestants returned for the rest of the season. Manju Pavagada was adjudged the winner of Bigg Boss Kannada Season 8.