The comedy series, which features Vihaan Samat, Rahul Bose, Suchitra Pillai, Jim Sarbh, Ankur Rathee and Dalai in pivotal roles, is slated to release on March 18 on Netflix.
Vihaan Samat in Eternally Confused and Eager for Love
Last Updated: 11.28 AM, Feb 18, 2022
Netflix has unveiled the official trailer of Eternally Confused and Eager for Love. The upcoming series has been directed by Rahul Nair, who channels his life’s experiences in a comedy-drama.
The trailer beings with Ray (Vihaan Samat), who is a young man going through a quarter-life crisis. The protagonist of the show relates with all the young adults, who are finding their first crush, their first love, their first sexual partner and their first relationship. The latest video further showcases how his parents and his only friend try to help him find more friends and a romantic partner as well.
The lead actor also has his trusty wizard as a sidekick, who is as much a guiding light to Ray as he is a hindrance, and through him, the makers have tried to portray his complicated thought process through a series of conversations with himself.
Check out the trailer video here:
The creator and writer of the show, Nair, shared the latest official trailer of his forthcoming show on Instagram with a quirky caption that says, "Two friends, one wizard and a WORLD full of problems. It’s not easy being Ray! Can’t wait for you all to find out more on Eternally Confused and Eager for Love. (sic)."
The OTT giant also shared the video on its official IG handle and asked the followers and fans if they are 'Anxious, introverted and eager for love?'
Check out the full quirky caption and the post here:
Eternally Confused and Eager for Love, which also features Rahul Bose, Suchitra Pillai, Jim Sarbh, Ankur Rathee and Dalai in pivotal roles, is slated to release on March 18 on the digital platform.