The 10-episodic series is created by Anthony Van Biervliet and will be adding to the list of Belgian shows already on Netflix like The Twelve, Undercover, Rough Diamonds and Ferry. Here's more...
Last Updated: 02.13 AM, Dec 01, 2023
Originally aired in Belgium, the Flemish language teen drama High Tides is unfolding its story on a popular OTT platform Netflix to be available for global viewers. Brace yourself for the distinctive tale of friendship, love, and drama all in high tides!
When and where to watch
High Tides is all set to join the streaming giant Netflix on December 7 and the series will be available in multiple languages because it is dubbed in English, French, Spanish, and other languages to assist the global audience.
Knokke Off aka High Tides revolves around a group of teenagers in a serene seaside town, seeking love, friendship, and building bonds with one another. The journey also unfolds different aspects of personal growth and self-healing.
“Over a tense summer on the Belgian coast, a wealthy friend group faces adulthood's harsh realities while grappling with love and societal expectations, reads the official synopsis”
In a short clip, we witness two teenagers chatting enthusiastically beside a pool at night when their cheerful conversation switches to the void and hollow personality of a troubled teen girl battling herself.
Cast of High Tides
The 10-episodic series is created by Anthony Van Biervliet and will be adding to the list of Belgian shows already on Netflix like The Twelve, Undercover, Rough Diamonds and Ferry. The ensemble cast consists of Willem De Schryver, Pommelien Thijs, Eliyha Altena, Ruth Becquart, Geert Van Rampelberg, and Jasmine Sendar.