The animated series includes a stellar cast, comprising of Laura Bailey, Taliesin Jaffe, Ashley Johnson, Liam O’Brien, Matthew Mercer, Marisha Ray, Sam Riegel, and Travis Willingham
Last Updated: 12.54 PM, Jan 13, 2022
Fans of adult animated fantasy series have another reason to rejoice this new year. The streaming giant Amazon Prime Video will be releasing The Legend of Vox Machina, a highly anticipated adult animated fantasy-adventure series from Critical Role and Titmouse. The makers have released the trailer of the series and it looks fun.
The trailer opens with the introduction of the group Vox Machina or The Red Band. They are tasked with an assignment that even the Evil doubts that they can accomplish. The trailer shares glimpses of the series and it looks like it is sure to offer a dose of laughter, fun, action and adventure.
Watch the trailer here:
Based on Critical Role’s first live-streamed tabletop role-playing game (RPG) campaign, The Legend of Vox Machina follows Vox Machina, a band of misfits with a fondness for boozing and brawling. In a desperate attempt to pay off their mounting bar tab, these unlikely heroes end up on a quest to save the realm of Exandria from dark magical forces. From a sinister necromancer to a powerful curse, the group confronts a variety of obstacles that not only test their skills but also the strength of their bond.
It stars Laura Bailey (The Last of Us: Part II), Taliesin Jaffe (Final Fantasy XIV), Ashley Johnson (The Last of Us), Liam O’Brien (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Matthew Mercer (Overwatch), Marisha Ray (Final Fantasy XV), Sam Riegel (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), and Travis Willingham (Marvel's Avengers). The Critical Role cast also serves as executive producers, alongside Brandon Auman (Star Wars: Resistance), Chris Prynoski (Metalocalypse), Shannon Prynoski (Fairfax), and Ben Kalina (Big Mouth).
The first season will have 12 episodes in total, with three episodes premiering every week starting January 28 in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.