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Thor: Love and Thunder: Why does Christian Bale’s Gorr want all gods dead

Marvel released a new trailer for Thor 4 and it features Gorr the God Butcher played by Christian Bale.

Thor: Love and Thunder: Why does Christian Bale’s Gorr want all gods dead

Last Updated: 07.02 AM, May 25, 2022


Thor: Love and Thunder is a movie fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) are eagerly looking forward to. Marvel released a new trailer for the movie which gives us the first proper look at Christian Bale’s Gorr. But why does the villain want all the gods dead?

It is clear that Gorr will be the main villain in the fourth standalone Thor movie and that his killings will drive the story forward. In the comics, Gorr hates all the gods and wants them all dead and ends up killing an untold number of gods from all corners of the universe. The movie will see him come for our heroes as Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster, Valkyrie, and Korg will try to stop him. 


“The only ones who gods care about is themselves”, he says in the trailer, which is a good place to start as to why he wants the gods dead. But there is more to his reasoning. Growing up in a world plagued with starvation and death, Gorr and his people believe in the gods to solve their problems, but they do not show up. Gorr soon believes that gods are not real but when he finds out that they do indeed exist, he learns to hate them and see them dead. 

Gorr ends up despising the gods for not using their powers to save people and blames them for the tragedies that happen in his home world. While Gorr comes for Thor this time, it will be interesting to see how the God of Thunder will deal with the villain and whether his views on gods will change. 

Written and directed by Taika Waititi, the movie also features Tessa Thompson, Jaimie Alexander, Waititi, Russell Crowe, and Natalie Portman. Thor: Love and Thunder is slated to hit theatres on July 8, 2022. 

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