Mahabharat actor Nitish Bharadwaj has alleged that he was abused by his ex-wife Smita Bharadwaj. The actor added that he is finding it hard to cope with the ongoing turmoil.
Nitish Bhardwaj who played the role of Lord Krishna in Mahabharat
Last Updated: 01.34 PM, Mar 09, 2024
Nitish Bharadwaj, who played Lord Krishna in B R Chopra's television series Maha b harat, and his ex-wife Smita Gate seem to be having unending marital troubles. The have been accusing each other of several things over the past few months. However, Nitish made a startling revelation recently. Speaking to Telly Talk, he claimed that he was abused in his marriage.
Nitish said that he has faced extreme abuse in his marriage with Smita, so much so that now even his children are being alienated from him. He is distressed after his 11-year-old daughter told him, "Papa, we are disgusted to call you our father." He added that he has not asked Smita for any money; what he has sought is money that he was cheated of. "I feel I’m cheated. Today, I’m fighting my children’s battle. The institution of marriage is special to me and I believe in it. I do not know how to cope with the turmoil."
Last month, Nitish Bharadwaj reported harassment and disruptive behaviour to the MP Human Rights Commission in a police complaint against his wife, Smita Gate, who is the Additional Chief Secretary there. In his complaint, Nitish allegedly claimed that Smita had kept him from getting to know their twin daughters, Devyani and Shivranjani. He also claimed that his wife has changed their daughters' schools to keep him from seeing them, which has had a detrimental effect on his mental health.
Playing Lord Krishna in BR Chopra's Mahabharat catapulted Nitish Bharadwaj to a demigod status overnight. Apart from the cult series, Nitish has also appeared in popular TV series and films, including Samantar Seasons 1-2, Kedarnath, Mohenjo Daro, and Vishnu Puran.