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Locker Room: Through the eyes of a bystander

Read on to know why you should watch Greta Nash’a short film

Locker Room: Through the eyes of a bystander

Last Updated: 07.40 AM, Jun 10, 2021


What’s it about:

Greta Nash’s short film Locker Room focuses on the responsibilities of those who find themselves becoming bystanders to sexual harassment. The film revolves around Clara, who views a disturbing video of sexual harassment on a group chat consisting of only her male friends. The rest of the film delves into the dilemma this situation puts her in and what she decides to do next.

What’s hot:

What makes the film stand out is how empowering it is to witness Carla stand up for what is right despite all she is about to lose. Although the film ends on a rather sad note, it gives the audience a sense of hope. The last scene sees a sobbing Carla being hugged by a girl, which makes us believe that women will always stand by each other.

The film deals with an important issue in a very sensitive manner through its dialogues and acting. The cinematography helps viewers understand and connect with Carla. It also allows us to be a part of her journey.

The film conveys an important message while telling the story neither from the perpetrator, nor the survivor’s point of view, which is a refreshing take on the matter.


What’s not:

There is nothing to dislike about the film, apart from the fact that it may be triggering to some. If so, it would be best to avoid watching it.


Other than that, Locker Room will be sure to make us question if we stand up for what we believe is right or if we simply choose to take the path of least resistance. We realize that we may find ourselves being bystanders to multiple injustices that take place on a daily basis and weigh the cost of being silent or choosing to speak up. Carla teaches us that it’s alright to feel uncertainty while putting it all on the line to stand by what is right.

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