Golkeri, a Gujarati comedy drama film released in the year 2020, is written and directed by Viral Shah. The film stars Malhar Thakar, Vandana Pathak, Sachin Khedekar and debut role by Manasi Parekh Gohil. The storyline of this film revolves around the life of Sahil and Harshita’s relationship, played by Malhar Thakar and Manasi Parekh Gohil. The story further continues on how Mohanbhai Sutariya and Jyotsna Sutariya, father and mother of Sahil Sutariya, try to save their married life which the couple decides to end overnight. The film has everything on point whether it be the acting skills, the direction, the cinematography or the sound. This film gained the recognition of the Best Film Award at the Toronto Gujarati Iconic Film Festival 2020.
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