A Gujarati family drama following the couple Nirav and Kavya as they decide to expand their family. On the auspicious night of Janmashtami, the loving and dynamic couple decide to make a baby but soon realise that Kavya is inable to conceive a child. This revelation leaves the entire family distressed and meloncholic. Eventually the couple decides to adopt a child but end up bringing home two vibrant and naughty girls aged 7 and 13. Following this, their lives take a complete turn into fun, chaos, painful lessons and love. Ittaa Kittaa is written by Antima Pawar and Azhar Saiyed and directed by Manthan Purohit and Abhinn Sharma. Manasi Parekh, Raunaq Kamdar, Alpana Buch, Jia Vaidya, Princy Prajapati and Prashant Barot play major roles in the drama. The film's produced and distributed by Janvi Productions.
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