Bollywood actress Zareen Khan has shared her thoughts about Ankita Lokhande-Vicky Jain's conflict on Bigg Boss 17. Here's what the actress wrote on X.
Last Updated: 10.53 AM, Jan 17, 2024
Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain's fights haven't stopped after the recent Bigg Boss 17 family week. The real-life couple has been seen arguing constantly over several issues. Viewers have noticed that Ankita seems to have a problem with Vicky's friendship with Mannara Chopra. The actress has time and again expressed her displeasure over the same. Amid their ongoing personal issues, Bollywood actress Zareen Khan shared her opinion about Ankita and Vicky's conflict.
Zareen Khan on Ankita Lokhande-Vicky Jain's conflict
Bollywood actress Zareen Khan took to her official X account and shared her thoughts about Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain's conflict on Bigg Boss 17. The actress stated that although she doesn't personally know the couple, its sad for her to see Ankita and Vicky's conflict on the reality show.
Zareen also reminded everyone that Ankita and Vicky used to give everyone couple goals on social media before Bigg Boss 17. "I wish they remember the love they share, tht part about their relationship, rather than the show consuming them (sic)," she wrote on X.
Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain on Bigg Boss 17
Meanwhile, Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain's Bigg Boss 17 journey has been a roller coaster ride. While they have shared many good moments, the couple has had their share of major disagreements on the reality show. During the initial weeks of BB 17, the couple's mothers were called on the show to counsel them.
Although their equation changed for the better, Ankita and Vicky again fought multiple times on the show. Having said that, the duo is trying to resolve their issues and work towards a good relationship ahead.
Bigg Boss 17 set to end soon
As far as Bigg Boss 17 is concerned, the reality show is closer to its finale. The show, which premiered on October 15, is all set to conclude on January 28, 2024. Hosted by Salman Khan, the reality show didn't get an extension as compared to its previous five seasons.