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Top IMDb movies all streaming on Netflix

From Morgan Freeman's The Shawshank Redemption to Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction, here's a mind-blowing list of the top IMDb rated movies streaming on Netflix

Top IMDb movies all streaming on Netflix

The Shawshank Redemption, The Matrix

Last Updated: 11.04 PM, May 27, 2024


Movies are the only things that can bridge our path from the real world to the imaginary world. From adrenaline-pumping adventures, tear-jerking dramas to heart-fluttering romances, Netflix offers a treasure trove of this fictional world across diverse genres. So, gear up cinephiles, because we are about to unleash some of the highest IMDb-rated movies, all streaming on this streaming giant.

Top IMDb movies on Netflix:


The Shawshank Redemption

IMDb rating: 9.3/10

It's been three decades, and yet The Shawshank Redemption is considered the most mind-bending movie in the world. Starring Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins, the story follows Andy Dufresne, a respectable banker, finds himself wrongly accused of a double murder and gets imprisoned at Shawshank. Unlike his fellow mate, Andy refuses to be broken by the harsh realities of prison life. He brings his determination and unconventional approach to everything he does, and within the rough wall of Shawshank prison.

Schindler's List

IMDb rating: 9/10

Directed by Steven Spielberg, starring Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes and Ben Kingsley, this black & white movie won a staggering seven Oscars including Best Picture and Best Directing. The story follows Oscar Schindler, a German businessman driven by profit, undergoes a transformation as he witnesses the horrifying inflict of Jewish workers in Nazi-occupied Poland. He becomes instantly worried about them during the World War II.

Pulp Fiction

IMDb rating: 8.9/10

This Quentin Tarantino-directorial also completed its three decades this year. The crime-thriller won an Oscar for Original Screenplay, two BAFTA Awards, one Golden Globe Award and one Palme d’Or. Starring Tarantino, John Travolta, Samuel Jackson, Bruce Willis and Christopher Walken, the story takes up into the criminal world of Los Angeles, where a hitman, a bixer, and a gangster’s wife’s path collide, and they get entangled in a series of bizzare events.

Forrest Gump

IMDb rating: 8.8/10

Released in 1994, this Tom Hanks-starrer is the most loved rom-com across generations. The movie won a staggering six Oscars, three Golden Globes and one BAFTA Award. The story follows a man named Forrest, who has a kind heart, but struggling with his low IQ, who rekindles his extraordinary past, a journey through some historical events. At this age, all he longs for now is to reconnect with his childhood love, Jenny.

The Matrix

IMDb rating: 8.7/10

Released in 1999, this sci-fi flick won four Oscars and two BAFTA Awards. Starring Keanu Reeves, the story follows a Neo, a computer programmer, hacks into the digital world, when he couldn't hold his curiosity anymore about this world. His suspicions are confirmed when Morpheus, a rebellious leader, confirms his doubts and curiosities.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

IMDb rating: 8.4/10

Released in 2018, this animated movies won one Oscar, one BAFTA Award, one Golden Globe, and one Critics' Choice Award. Starring Jake Johnson, Shameik Moore, Oscar Isaac and Nicholas Cage, the story follows after gaining the superpowers and becoming the Spider-Man, a teenager named Miles Morales finds himself facing alternate version of himself across the multiverse, while trying to save the city and figuring against the villains.

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