The Kannada-language crime drama thriller is by debutant director Vilok Shetty. With cinematography by Ananth Urs, the plot revolves around a group of troubled individuals whose paths intersect, leading to unforeseen consequences. The cast includes Arvind Rau, Aravind Bolar, Arjun Yogesh, Pramod Shetty, Veena Sunder, and Usha Bhandary, along with Sudha Belawadi, Priya Shatamarshana, Girish Vidyanathan, Sidhartha Maadhyamika, Nandini Madesh, Rajesh Natranga, Sheetal Shetty, Avinash S. Divakar, Radhika Narayan, Deepak Krishan, Swetha Sanjeevulu and Sushant Pujari.
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