In the series "Criminal Record," directed by Shaun James Grant and Jim Loach, with Paul Rutman as the creator and writer, the narrative unfolds as two exceptional detectives engage in a tense battle over a historic murder conviction. The ensemble cast includes Cush Jumbo as DS June Lenker, Peter Capaldi as DCI Daniel Hegarty, Dionne Brown as DC Chloe Summers, Aysha Kala as Sonya Singh, and Shaun Dooley as DS Kim Cardwell, each featuring in all eight episodes of the series.
The plot is set in motion by an anonymous phone call, drawing the detectives into a confrontation centred around an old murder case. DS Lenker, a young woman navigating the early stages of her career, clashes with DCI Hegarty, a well-connected man determined to protect his legacy. Against the backdrop of this intense tug-of-war, the series delves into critical themes such as race, institutional failure, and the search for common ground in a polarized Britain.
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